Policies (6273)
Last update: 04/04/2024
Policy name Sector Policy type Country Decision date
Emission Standards for Light-Duty Vehicles Argentina (1994) Argentina 1994
Resolution 708/96 on Norms and standards for measuring gas concentrations and particulate matter emitted by chimneys Argentina (1996) Argentina 1996
Law 24,804 on nuclear activity Argentina (1997) Argentina 1997
Law 25,019 Declaring a national interest to generate electricity from wind and solar energy Argentina (1998) Argentina 1998
Renewable energy project in the rural electric market (PERMER - Phase I) Argentina (1999) Argentina 1999
Resolution 319/99 on Energy labelling scheme for appliances Argentina (1999) Argentina 1999
Law 25,080 on Investment in Forestry Argentina (1999) Argentina 1999
Resolution 1076/2001 on National Energy and Alternative Fuels Program Argentina (2001) Argentina 2001
Decree 1396/2001 on Biodisel Competitiveness Plan Argentina (2001) Argentina 2001
Resolution 113/2001 on Regulation of Electrical energy Argentina (2001) Argentina 2001
Law 25,675 General Law of the Environment Argentina (2002) Argentina 2002
Estrategia Nacional en cambio Climático Argentina (2002) Argentina 2002
Resolution 1237/02 on Emissions limits for heavy-duty vehicles running on gas Argentina (2002) Argentina 2002
Decree 295/2003 on diffusion of information on environmental and climatic problems faced by the country Argentina (2003) Argentina 2003
Resolution 1156/04 on National Programme for Biofuels Argentina (2004) Argentina 2004
National Strategic Plan for Wind Energy Argentina (2005) Argentina 2005
National Strategy for the Management of Urban Solid Waste (ENGIRSU) Argentina (2005) Argentina 2005
Decree 1070/05 Creation of the Argentine Carbon Fund Argentina (2005) Argentina 2005
Law 26,123 on Promotion of Hydrogen Energy Argentina (2006) Argentina 2006
Law 26,093 on Regime of Regulation and Promotion of the Production and Sustainable Use of Biofuels Argentina (2006) Argentina 2006