Order of February 1, 2023 on the criteria for sustainability and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from renewable fuels and bioliquids France (2023) |
France |
2023 |
French Strategy for Energy and Climate France (2023) |
France |
2023 |
Decision of March 7, 2022 modifying the decision of September 22, 2020 establishing for the ministries in charge of ecological transition and territorial cohesion France (2022) |
France |
2022 |
Decree No. 2022-8 relating to the minimum environmental performance result concerning the installation of heating or domestic hot water production equipment in a building France (2022) |
France |
2022 |
Energy Sobriety Plan France (2022) |
France |
2022 |
Circular no. 6363-SG relating to energy sobriety and exemplary behavior of State administrations France (2022) |
France |
2022 |
Law on purchasing Power France (2022) |
France |
2022 |
Recovery and resilience plan / Green energies and techologies/ R&D and innovation France (2021) |
France |
2021 |
Decree n ° 2021-153 - establishing aid for investments relating to rapid charging installations for electric vehicles on major roads France (2021) |
France |
2021 |
Ordinance 2021-167 relating to hydrogen France (2021) |
France |
2021 |
Decree of December 10, 2021 creating a program as part of the system of energy savings certificates France (2021) |
France |
2021 |
France 2030 France (2021) |
France |
2021 |
Law No 2021-1104 on the fight on climate change and resilience France (2021) |
France |
2021 |
Deliberation No. 2021-23 of January 21, 2021 approving the methods for calculating the forecast cost of the works to be carried out by Enedis as part of the regional connection plans to the renewable energy network France (2021) |
France |
2021 |
Decision of July 16, 2021 relating to the optimization of the sizing of transformation stations for connection of renewable energy sources France (2021) |
France |
2021 |
Decree No. 2021-759 of June 14, 2021 establishing an interministerial delegate to support territories in energy transition France (2021) |
France |
2021 |
Decarbonisation roadmap for the chemicals sector France (2021) |
France |
2021 |
Electricity production through renewables France (2021) |
France |
2021 |
Recovery and Ecological Transition Contracts France (2021) |
France |
2021 |
Sustainable Mobility Package (Forfait Mobilité Durable) France (2020) |
France |
2020 |